Clive who was born in Port Elizabeth but grew up in Cape Town describes himself as a cool, calm and collected person. He was a part of the CapaCiTi programme sponsored by Media24. He details that his time at TheHub@Media24 was the most life-changing experience that he has ever had – not only on a technical level but in also learning how to interact better with other people as an introvert. “I grabbed the opportunity with both hands, and it set my path toward success”. He further states that “I have been interested in programming for as long as I can remember – I have always found it fascinating, and it is the only career path that I ever saw myself pursuing, regardless of whatever trials and tribulations would have been in the way – I would have pursued this career path”.
Clive returned to CapaCiTi to be the MS AppFactory Lead and says that the main reason that he decided to return to CapaCiTi is to give back; to be able to provide the same path and guidance that was given to him – to any other aspiring developers, and to also help others realise the opportunities that CapaCiTi provides are life-changing. His typical day as the MS AppFactory Team Lead is not only limited to managing some of the administrative tasks for the team but also handling project management and architecture to ensure that they are always ready and up and running for any project related work. The typical workday involves working together with his team to ensure that they deliver well written, maintainable, secure and efficient code. He describes being the MS AppFactory Team Lead as being challenging but inspiring. They are always working with the end goal in mind, and nothing beats having a team that remains motivated throughout their journey toward excelling.
He states that none of this would have been possible without the support of his family, further stating that “one quote that my parents instilled in us as a family is to – be humble, and be grateful – that’s my driving motivation toward any life-successes that I aspire to reach, as well as any interactions that I have with people daily; every day is a new opportunity to not only better yourself, but to also help others better themselves while trying to reach their goals”.
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